第2展覽廳 時尚・下一步
Next Step, Fashion

時尚插畫除了唯美紀實,更有藝術家大膽突破,衝撞觀者對於美的想像。本區邀請到以細膩線條與大膽用色,創造奇異夢境的波蘭藝術家Przemek Sobocki、筆下古靈精怪大眼睛女孩,教人過目難忘的Blair Breitenstein,以及善於運用多媒材突破畫框限制的Connie Lim。

此外,近年由於網路資訊、科技趨勢與環保議題的發酵,時尚產業也正歷經劇烈的震盪與轉變。如何與環境和平共存,則是時尚產業接下來必須面臨的最重大議題,因此,「綠時尚」(Green Fashion)應運而生。


In addition to aesthetic and record of the reality, the fashion illustrations are also a bold breakthrough for the artist, clashing with the viewer's imagination of beauty. This section features Polish artist Przemek Sobocki, who creates strange dreams with subtle lines and bold colors; Blair Breitenstein, who has created quirky girls with big eyes; and Connie Lim, who is good at pushing the boundaries of the frame with multi-media.

Besides, the fashion industry has been undergoing dramatic shocks and changes in recent years due to the ferment of online information, technology trends and environmental issues. How to coexist peacefully with the environment has become the most important issue that the fashion industry must face in the next step with the emergence of "Green Fashion".

In Taiwan, we are proud to present to you the designers who also care about the environment with sustainable fashion as their core philosophy and use innovative techniques to minimize the cost of resources: Kuan Chen, a fashion designer who specializes in zero-waste and re-employs middle-aged and senior seamstresses; Meng-Yuen Lee, a costume designer who creates zero-pollution fashion through organic cotton and natural dyes; Chun-Yuan Jean, an up-and-coming designer dedicated to the combination of traditional craftsmanship and sustainable materials; and Jinhua Huang, a designer who gives new lives to Taiwan-style fashionable bags with the use of discarded advertising canvas. These new generations of designers who are bringing new life to Taiwan's fashion industry will take us to see the possibility of a gentler form of fashion from a fresh and warm perspective.

Blair Breitenstein

Connie Lim

Nina Edwards 黃致彰

Przemek Sobocki

《I.A.N Design》李孟遠

《Story Wear》陳冠百


《C JEAN》簡君嫄