《C JEAN》簡君嫄
臺灣 Taiwan
畢業於倫敦時尚學院女裝設計研究所的設計師簡君嫄,就學期間曾在Alexander McQueen實習,畢業作品被選為倫敦交響樂團的官方指定表演服,更登上百年權威時尚日報《WWD》,成為精選設計師之一。在倫敦、紐約、上海及台北累積多年工作經驗後,創立品牌「C JEAN」,透過服裝作為創作媒介,反映對各種社會議題的研究,以及對藝術文化與大自然環境的觀察,重視結合傳統工藝技術與永續材質的發展與應用。

Chun-Yuan Jean graduated from UAL London College of Fashion and interned in Alexander McQueen during her studies. Her graduation work was selected as the official performance costume of the London Symphony Orchestra and was featured as one of the designers of choice in "WWD", the authoritative fashion daily of the century. After accumulating years of working experience in London, New York, Shanghai and Taipei, “C JEAN” was founded to reflect research on various social issues and observations of art, culture and the natural environment through the use of clothing as medium of creation, emphasizing the development and application of traditional techniques and sustainable materials.




Through material, color, and structure, this work visualizes the states such as glacial cracking and glacial ablation into costumes that present reflections on the changes in the polarospheric environment over the past few decades.