《Story Wear》陳冠百
臺灣 Taiwan
創辦人陳冠百意識到時尚產業是全世界第二大汙染源,進而思考而如何將「環保」與「時尚」結合並執行,於2017年底創立不製造垃圾的時裝-Story Wear,歷經1年半的研究、醞釀,終於在2018年得以完成全系列品牌商品。品牌以推廣永續時尚為己任、並希望實踐循環經濟的可能。Story Wear秉持三大原則:1. 原料:來自回收布料、衣物;2. 生產線:由二度就業婦女、腦性麻痺兒童的婦女們所組成,他們同時也擁有著卓越的裁縫工匠技術;3.零廢棄:所有商品均為回收廢棄衣物、布料升級改造.連吊卡也是回收紙所重新再製的。 100%手工製作、台灣設計、製造

Kuan Chen founded zero waste fashion brand Story Wear after discovering that the fashion industry is the world’s second largest polluter. With 10 years of fashion and branding experience, she decided to apply her skills to create an ethical fashion brand with a strong social conscience.

Story Wear upholds three main principles: 1. raw materials: recycled fabrics and clothing from charity groups; 2. production line: made up of re-employed women and mothers with cerebral palsy who have excellent tailoring skills; 3. zero waste: all products are made and upgraded from recycled clothing, and even the tags are made of seed paper that is recreated from recycled paper.

《「One For All」丹寧拼接紳士大衣》<p>One For All

《「One For All」丹寧拼接紳士大衣》

One For All


With feminine style combined with the design concept of English suit details which are not bound by the fashion frame, and design of single size, genderless, sustainable design and manufacturing handing the hands of local women behind, the coat is made through processes of recycling, sorting, disassembling, patching and sewing with 9 pairs of jeans.

《Story Wear X SPCA 動物保護協會|拒吃魚翅 托特包》<p>Story Wear X SPCA - Say No to Shark Fin - Tote Bag

《Story Wear X SPCA 動物保護協會|拒吃魚翅 托特包》

Story Wear X SPCA - Say No to Shark Fin - Tote Bag

由二度就業的婦女手工以2件回收牛仔褲製成的「拒吃魚翅 托特包」,重現尖尖的鯊魚鰭浮現在藍色海洋中的美麗景象,呼籲大家一起來保護鯊魚。

Made by hand from 2 pairs of recycled jeans by the re-employed women, the “Say No to Shark Fin - Tote Bag” recreates the beautiful sight of a pointy shark fin floating in the blue ocean. It urges everyone to come together to protect sharks.