Blair Breitenstein
美國 U.S.A
紐約時尚插畫家,筆下女子個個有著大眼睛、濃翹睫毛、豐滿雙唇,古靈精怪的模樣只消看過一眼就難以忘懷。Blair的創作深受高端時尚攝影所影響,而她率性的筆觸卻把時尚再推向全新的領域。其誇大、不完美的風格中,挾帶著幾分對於時尚產業的戲謔,相當令人玩味。她的才華被世界知名高級時裝設計師Oscar de la Renta(奧斯卡‧德拉倫塔)以及國際雜誌《Harper's Bazaar》、《W Korea》和《Vogue Korea》所認可;她是SHOWstudio米蘭A / W 16女裝的常駐插圖畫家,並受邀在《100 Women exhibition》中展出。

Blair Breitensteins, a New York-based fashion illustrator, paints about women with big eyes, thick and curly eyelashes, and full lips, which is exotic, quirky and unforgettable just after one glance. Blair's creations are strongly influenced by high-end fashion photography, and her forthright strokes take fashion to a whole new level. Its exaggerated, imperfect style is tainted with a few teases about the fashion industry, which is quite amusing and meaningful. Her talents have been recognized by world-renowned haute couture designer Oscar de la Renta and international magazines such as "Harper's Bazaar", "W Korea" and "Vogue Korea". She is the illustrator in residence for SHOWstudio Milan A/W 16 women's clothing and was invited to exhibit in the 100 Women exhibition.

Chanel 1957

Chanel 1957

Valentino Lashes

Valentino Lashes


The fashion style under Blair’s pen is amusing and unique with the quick sketch in crayon showing a childish feature, which creates the unbalanced and twisted perspective.