Seungwon Hong
南韓 South Korea
無論在時尚品牌或者時尚插畫界的主題,皆壓倒性地以女性為主流。Seungwon Hong以男性時尚為主軸的作品顯得格外獨樹一幟,其濃重的筆觸更使畫面張力十足,突顯男性的剛硬印象。令人聯想到印象派傳統炭筆及油畫的筆觸正是向他自小崇拜的藝術家―Egon Schiele(埃貢.席勒)、Rene Magritte(雷內.馬格利特)以及Van Gogh(梵谷)致敬。

Seungwon Hong’s works are overwhelmingly female-dominated, both in fashion brands and in the world of fashion illustration. His work themed male fashion has stood out with the heavy strokes giving the painting tension, highlighting the impression of masculine rigidity. It reminds people of the traditional charcoal and oil strokes of the impressionists, which is his tribute to the artists he has admired since childhood, such as Egon Schiele, Rene Magritte and Van Gogh.

Sartorial Painting No.139 Mr.David

Sartorial Painting No.139 Mr.David

Sartorial Painting No.36  Claudio Calò

Sartorial Painting No.36 Claudio Calò

Seungwon Hong的「Sartorial Painting」系列瞄準真實的街頭型人,而非伸展臺上或者時尚產業工作者。透過貼近你我現實生活的觀察,他的筆觸如裁縫師般一針一線縫製剪裁,以精準的眼光與細膩的技巧,為不同人物打造完美合身的時尚風采。

Seungwon Hong's "Sartorial Painting" series is aimed at real street people, not those on the runway or work in the fashion industry. Through his close observation of real life, his strokes are like the stitches carefully and neatly made by a tailor, with a precise insight and subtlety to create the perfect fit and style for different characters.