臺灣 Taiwan
臺灣時尚插畫家,善於融合西洋媒材和東方水墨技法,捕捉女人細緻的神韻,揮灑暈染與留白的不經意美感,風格深受時尚品牌喜愛,擁有眾多國際知名品牌合作邀約,如雜誌《ELLE》、《VOGUE》,以及新光三越、香港置地廣場、CHANEL、LOEWE、PIAGET等,2018、2019年更是唯一入圍巴黎當代青年藝術博覽會(YIA Paris)的亞洲藝術家。

GARY TU, a Taiwanese pioneering fashion illustrator who specializes in capturing women’s subtle beauty with the fusion of western styles and Oriental ink painting elements to demonstrate the casual beauty of blending and blank. His style is loved by fashion brands and he is an illustrator for Taiwan and many famous international brands, such as fashion magazines "VOGUE" and "ELLE", as well as Shin Kong Mitsukoshi, Landmark Hong Kong, CHANEL, LOEWE, PIAGET, etc. In 2018 and 2019, he was the only Asian artist to be shortlisted for YIA Paris

Gone with the Wind

Gone with the Wind

Viridian-fashion ink

Viridian-fashion ink


Using watercolor, which is easy to flow with unexpected effects, as a medium, the paintings are done by GARY TU in one fell swoop without a draft. The seemingly unintentional sprinkling creates appropriate and accurate outlines every time, which reflects his profound skills in painting.