【vol.264 雜誌節錄】蹦迪無極限:及時行樂恰恰恰! A Little Party Never Killed Nobody
「我特別著迷的色彩確實來自歡快的宇宙,因此當我描繪的主題較為黑暗時,明艷的色彩反而與幽暗的情緒形成有趣的對比。」The colours that I’m innately drawn to do exist in that jovial universe, so even if there are darker themes I’m exploring, the bright colours can offer an interesting contrast to that mood.


Nicko Phillip

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Australian graphic designer and illustrator Nicko Phillip creates numerous quirky and amusing illustrations, along with unique party scenes characterised by bright, vibrant colours and exuberant gestures, all infused with a playful attitude. His work is deeply influenced by classic cartoons, bands, and album cover designs. In addition to his comical exaggerations and the playful balance between realism and abstraction, his artwork often features characters playing musical instruments.





Q: You draw cheerful characters in a unique style. How did you land on this particular illustrative style? Your characters seem to be always jovial, do you ever face creative blocks, is it harder for you to draw when you are not in a good mood?  

A: Totally! If I’m not feeling the vibe, I find it hard to give my drawings the energy they deserve. Drawing also acts as a release too though, and I found that during lockdown here in Australia I was drawing a lot of scenes from places that I wished I was at, or activities I was craving for. Me and my family were in a small house in Melbourne at the time, so there were a lot of outdoor drawings from that era! 

I also think that colour is a powerful tool to help convey emotion. The colours that I’m innately drawn to do exist in that jovial universe, so even if there are darker themes I’m exploring, the bright colours can offer an interesting contrast to that mood. Creating a juxtaposition within themes and compositions is an interesting tightrope to walk on, and I hope that comes through in my work.


A:多年來,我與Khruangbin、Stones Throw、Vista Kicks等品牌合作過很有成就感,其中音樂是我特別珍視的靈感來源,畢竟我就算豁出去了也無法彈奏好任何樂器,將音樂元素融入插畫創作,是我最接近成為樂團一份子的時刻了。幾年前我買了一把貝斯,當我在創作時進入心流的喜悅中:作畫、聽音樂,聽到一段旋律我躍躍欲試,花十分鐘把玩貝斯,然後繼續畫畫,很蠢但是很幸福。

Q: From Character Jam to your collaboration with Pinterest, what’s your proudest project yet? Alternatively, what is your most celebrated work, and what’s something you’ve created that you believe deserves to be known and loved by more people?

A: I’ve worked with a few bands (Khruangbin, Stones Throw, Vista Kicks) over the years that has been super rewarding. Music is something that I absolutely cherish and is a huge influence on my work. Considering I can’t play an instrument to save myself, this is the closest I’ll get to being in a band, I guess. I bought myself a bass a few years ago, and I have so much fun when I’m in a full creative flow – drawing, listening to music, hearing something I think I could play, spending ten minutes trying to learn it on the bass, and then back to drawing. It’s silly, and it’s bliss.

Source: Nicko Phillip 

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