【vol.263 雜誌節錄】風範永恆,時髦經典 Timeless Elegance: The Classy Beauty in Retro Styles
「我選擇折衷的方式,盡量讓電子繪畫有一種手繪感,從筆觸到肌理都模擬手繪的感覺。」 “I have come up with a hybrid approach, striving to give digital drawings a sense of hand-drawn feel by mimicking the textures and brushstrokes as closely as possible.”


Lea Woo 吳倩倩

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Chinese artist Lea Woo has returned to Shanghai after completing her master's degree in illustration at Edinburgh College of Art. Currently working as a freelancer, she incorporates a significant amount of retro fashion, reminiscent of vintage VOGUE illustrations, into her artwork. While her digital art is primarily created using Procreate, it still retains the warmth of rich textures and a personal touch. Lea has worked with clients such as Burberry and various Chinese brands. Currently she also accepts personalized commissions.



A:最開始畫畫的時候大多數是手繪,因為我非常著迷於各種紙質的肌理和顏料的筆觸,我覺得傳統的媒介可以讓觀者感受到一種質樸的情感流動,這是電子繪畫無法達到的。當然,電子繪畫讓我們更方便修改或添加自己的想法,給創作更多彈性的空間,尤其涉及到商業合作的時候,電子繪畫方便很多。所以我選擇折衷的方式,盡量讓電子繪畫有一種手繪感,從筆觸到肌理都模擬手繪的感覺。同時我很喜歡各種happy accidents,即用一種拼貼的方法創作,把平時累積到的不同創作元素隨機的揉雜在一起,借以產生新的有趣的效果,這是我尋找靈感的方式,同時也給我很大的創作樂趣。

Q: How do you decide between analog and digital media when you start a new projet? Could you please share with us your process at work, from jotting down ideas, to the time it takes to complete a piece?
A: At the very beginning, I mostly worked with analog art as I was obsessed with the texture of paper and brushstrokes. Analog art creates a primal sensation and an unpretentious flow that is hard to achieve with digital drawings. Of course, digital art allows for greater flexibility in revisions. When it comes to commercial collaborations, drawing digitally is way more convenient. Therefore, I have come up with a hybrid approach, striving to give digital drawings a sense of hand-drawn feel by mimicking the textures and brushstrokes as closely as possible. I particularly appreciate the "happy accidents" that occur during the process. It's like creating a collage where I fit together all the random elements accumulated over time, resulting in intriguing outcomes. I find great pleasure and inspiration in this process.

Source: Lea Woo
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