【vol.263 雜誌節錄】 現代大和撫子:美少女的藝術逆襲 The Beauty of Modern Yamato Nadeshiko
「現在我透過時尚與造型,塑造角色的不同脾性與精神,也因為如此,我筆下描繪的黑髮白皙少女不再像是同一個角色,而有了更多元的詮釋。」 "Through fashion and styling, I’ve created diverse personalities and spirits within my characters. As a result, the fair-skinned girls with raven hair I depict in my works are no longer perceived as the same character but are given a multitude of interpretations."


細川成美 Narumi Hosokawa
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來自日本的畫家,畢業於多摩美術大學平面設計系;在藝廊主的引導下,轉為以壓克力顏料描繪靈動優雅的少女們,藉由服裝造型彰顯多樣的喜好與脾性。將自身在電車上受到騷擾的經驗轉化為創作能量,提出「現代大和撫子」的主張,2023年於台北的「Whimsy Works Gallery奇想會」舉辦個展「內緒の話」。

Japanese artist Narumi Hosokawa studied Graphic Design at Tama Art University. Under the guidance of a gallerist, she began creating acrylic paintings depicting sophisticated young ladies with a diverse range of styles and fashion expressions, representing girls from various walks of life. Inspired by her own traumatic experience with sexual harassment in public transportation, she transformed that pain into motivation and inspiration for her art. Through her work, she celebrates the "modern Yamato Nadeshiko," which refers to women in Japanese society who achieve a delicate balance between conformity and individuality. These women neither cater to the male gaze nor rebel against the traditional concept of beauty. In 2023, Hosokawa held her first solo exhibition in Whimsy Works Gallery in Taipei, Taiwan.





Q: Your creations neither cater to the male gaze nor rebel against the traditional concept of beauty. In a 2018 interview, you mentioned avoiding capitalizing on sex appeal. Instead, you portray the beauty of young girls in a manner that is not excessively revealing and does not upset other women. I wonder whether the image of "Yamato Nadeshiko" has evolved in recent years under the influence of worldwide popular culture. Has public opinion shifted regarding nudity and sexualization under the influence of trends and regional cultures?

A: As a woman, I have been groped by a man. I was targeted and pursued by someone while commuting to school, and I cried and ran away. After that experience, I learned the importance of being mindful of the gaze directed towards girls, particularly those in school uniforms.

In Japan, school uniforms are often regarded as symbols of youth but are also subject to sexual objectification. When searching for school uniforms, adult content often appears alongside them. I used to think it was crucial to create artwork that portrayed girls in a healthy and pleasant manner, without excessive exposure or flattery. However, I realized that uniforms made all girls look the same and lacked individuality.

Through fashion and styling, I have created diverse personalities and spirits within my characters. As a result, the fair-skinned girls with raven hair I depict in my works are no longer perceived as the same character but are given a multitude of interpretations.

To protect girls, I strive to provide them with guidance, enjoyment, or something meaningful. This has transformed into something that can also be easily appreciated by men, with its undeniable beauty. This aligns with the concept of a "modern Yamato Nadeshiko" or being "neither objectified nor rebellious yet still beautiful." It entails preserving traditional aesthetics while remaining open to modern perspectives, avoiding excessive flattery or rebellion, and not invalidating anyone. My aim is to portray an effortless and relaxed sense of existence.

Source: Narumi Hosokawa, Whimsy Works Gallery
完整文章收錄於 Excerpt from vol.263

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